Lots and lots of blackberries.
So many that your hands turn purple, and you itch from the tiny thorn-scratches.
But blackberries are good on just about everything.
And free and fresh beats $2.50 and paper or plastic.
Just look where you are going, and where everyone else is going. Sometimes there aren't any curbs to walk on - just blackberries and roadside ditches.
Nature runs alongside civilization here. Sometimes it even runs right down the middle.
Like it does in Carrie Blake Park.

It is sponsored and maintained by the Sequim Rotary Club as part of their sister city program with Sisco City in Japan.

In one direction, these streams lead to your traditional grassy park-swing set-visitor center and parking lot combination. Where children and dogs jump from cars, and try to take off running before Parents can catch them.

The fields next to these trickling steams are furrowed by gophers and fire breaks.

They are sailing, of course, model ships with remote controls.
When they aren't present, kids 14 and under can go fishing in the pond.
The park is an amazing network of nature and civilization. A park that, while not quite on the scale of Central Park or San Francisco Gate, would make any city proud.
Just be certain you pay attention to the signs posted throughout the park.
Don't drink the water.
Carrie Blake Park is a reuse demonstration park, consisting of a meandering network of streams, marshes and ponds working toward water reclamation for Sequim.
But you wouldn't know it to walk through there.
1 comment:
Sorry, but you made an error. Carrie Blake Park is NOT a water re-use area. its water is fine. However, next door there is a Water Re-use Demonstration Area where there are signs warning the water is re-treated sewage and not for drinking. Too bad they are next to each other, but that's life.
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